Is your website compatible with mobile devices?
With the second wave of digitalization, we have reached an era when everything should be accessed from mobile devices, especially a business website. According to secondary research, it has been observed that with the rise in mobile usage, about 60% of website traffic is directed from mobile devices and 80% of consumers prefer shopping online using their smartphones. So, whether it is accessing social media sites or e-commerce sites most of it is happening through mobile devices.
Hence, the solution to such growing usage of mobile devices to access websites is to induce the concept of responsive web design to improve user experience. Here, the web app software development team must focus on different URLs to ensure a mobile-specific version for websites. Also, a responsive site can adapt to any device making it simple for companies to manage only one website thus benefiting the ROI.
Web application development: Make a smart choice!
When everything around us is getting digitized, it is evident that the technology of web application software development and its related industry will also grow to bring in benefits of cross-platform or custom web applications.According to market research, about 3.5 billion people browse the internet through mobile phones which indicates the growing market dynamics. Despite a few misconceptions about such app development services, there are more reasons to embrace them. Let us consider the following eight reasons to be smart enough while adapting a process of web application development.
-> Need for technology orientation:With more knowledge about the concept of web application software development, an organization can have a better understanding and control over the app development service in need and hence be in a better position to choose the right web application development company and in turn secure an exceptional implementation of the framework and API.
-> Adaptability and change initiatives:Change and innovation are essential components of staying ahead in the competition. So it is important to be flexible to achieve the long-term goals of the business. So, one should choose a web application development company that believes in innovation.
-> Securing client information:Data security is a crucial aspect of web application development. It helps the company to secure its website from malicious threats. Any reputed web application development company ensures data security through an agile approach.
-> The faster the better: The benefits of choosing an efficient web application development company is its timely completion of the website with all the recommended features. Also, when the web app software is developed based on PHP or Python, it ensures faster data processing, seamless integration, and appropriate customization capabilities.
-> Cost-efficient solution: A website can sustain itself in the long-run if it’s cost-effective. Apart from the initial investment to build a website with too many added features, it is also expensive to maintain it later. So, the application development service should consider a robust yet limited feature-approach while developing the web application.
-> Effectiveness of collaboration:With zeal to create an effective and efficient web-based application, continuous collaboration is essential between the company and the web designer.Since; teamwork is a significant aspect in building and improving the web application,an appropriate application development company must have that collaborative approach to create a unified ecosystem.
-> User-friendly approach:There are web apps development companies that adopt hybrid technologies powered by tools such as Angular, JS, Ionic, and Cordova that play an important part in creating a user-friendly interface that is more reliable and acceptable around the world.
-> Being dependable:App development service is not a one-time thing. It also needs regular monitoring and maintenance.One should choose a web application development company that also offers customer service and application maintenance post launching the web app software.
Thus we can conclude that an organization needs to be smart to hire an expert web apps development company that can design a web application that will enable the company to leverage the existing applications and infrastructure with limited expense.